Curriculum Vitae
Jordan M. Riccio, M.A. RPA
2009 – 2012 MA: Public Anthropology with focus in Archaeology
American University, Washington, DC
Master’s Thesis Titled: The People of the Lonely Place: An Archaeological
Exploration of Community Structure within the Great Dismal Swamp
GPA: 3.91/4.0
2001 – 2005 BA: Student Designed Major: East Asian Studies with focus on Chinese History
Saint Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD
St. Mary’s Project (Senior Thesis) Titled: The Path of a Hero: Ethics and Traditional
Chinese Warriors in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Archaeological Employment History
2/2014 - Current R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc, Las Cruces, NM
Participated in Class III archeological surveys of several thousand acres at White Sands Missile Range, NM, and pipeline projects in NM and AZ, experienced in the identification and classification of Southwestern prehistoric and historic cultural materials, conducted non- collection surveys, becoming proficient in the use of handheld GPS units using data dictionaries specific to the local and regional project areas, and have experience working on significant cold war, historic and prehistoric sites throughout the Southwest.
6/2013 – 2/2014 R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc, Frederick, MD
Conducted Phase I and Phase II archaeological surveys, assisted in the production of
reports, including desktop reports, survey results, and site reports as well as contribute
to site research.
10/2012 – 6/2013 R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc, Alamogordo, NM
Conducted archaeological survey using Trimble GPS units, performed
100% site recordation, assisted in the production of LA forms, data entry and artifact
cataloguing, trained to recognize Unexploded Ordinance within the field and to drive off
road vehicles.
5/2012 – 6/2012 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Teaching and Research Assistant of Archaeology Field School
Assisted in the instruction of archaeological techniques, led group to remote sites, led a
successful site discovery effort, oversaw site number acquisition, overviewed paperwork,
managed artifact collection and recordation, drove a suburban and xterra to site and
worked with a vintage transit on site.
3/2012 – 5/2012 Antietam National Battlefield, National Park Service, Sharpsburg, MD
Historic Preservation Technician
Assisted in the preservation of historic sites. Work included the installation of lathe
work on a historically preserved house, painting and resorting fencing, metal brushing
and painting historic iron gates, prepping areas for archaeological survey and
interacting with volunteer groups.
8/2011 – 5/2012 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Archaeological Research Assistant (NEH Funded)
Artifact collections processing, technical writing including the preparation and editing
of project’s annual field report, representing project through public presentations, and
conducting archaeological research, including primary source documents, artifact and
architectural feature interpretation.
7/2011 – 12/2011 Monocacy National Battlefield, National Park Service, Frederick, MD
Archeological Technician
Conducted field excavation and laboratory processing. Cataloged artifacts to NPS
standards utilizing Re:Discovery. Worked with and trained volunteers and regularly
conducted tours for the public. Assisted with report preparation and utilized a digital
total station.
5/2011 – 7/2011 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Teaching and Research Assistant of Archaeology Field School
Assisted Professor in the instruction of archaeological methods to students, created and
implemented an archaeological research design, led the group of students through harsh
terrain to site location, managed field notes, oversaw artifacts collection and documentation,
worked with a total station, conducted a soil probe survey, assisted in a Ground Penetrating
Radar survey and drove a 15-person van.
8/2010 – 5/2011 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Archaeological Research Assistant (NEH Funded)
Artifact collections processing, technical writing including report preparation and
editing, team management (student work-study and volunteer), assisted in a week long
(3/2011) geophysical survey in the Great Dismal Swamp and created a research design
for the 2011 GDSLS field school.
7/2010 – 9/2010 Monocacy National Battlefield, National Park Service, Frederick, MD
Archeological Technician
Field methods (excavation, shovel test pits, mapping), laboratory methods (artifact
washing and cataloguing), worked with volunteers and interacted with the public on a
regular basis, giving tours of the excavation site and assisted in a Surface Penetrating
Radar survey.
5/2010 – 7/2010 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Teaching and Research Assistant of Archaeology Field School
Assisted Professor in the instruction of archaeological methods to students, led the group
of students through harsh terrain to site location, managed field notes, oversaw artifact
collection and documentation.
Archaeological Experience
10/2010 Monocacy National Battlefield, National Park Service, Frederick, MD
Volunteered with site excavation.
10/2009 – 12/2009 Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, VA (Fall 2009)
Volunteered with Archaeology Fieldwork and Laboratory work.
7/2009 Belair Mansion, Bowie, MD
Volunteered in the preparation and application of a mock Archaeology dig for
5/2009 – 7/2009 American University, The Great Dismal Swamp Archaeology Field School, Washington, DC
Camped for 6 weeks during field school. Introduced to remote site excavation
methods, total station operation, laboratory methods, and introduced to Geophysical
archaeology and performed geophysical surveys with a magnetometer, magnetic
susceptibility, and magnetic viscosity meters.
7/2008 – 8/2008 Belair Mansion, Bowie, MD
Volunteered in the preparation and application of a mock Archaeology dig for
children and assisted in the surface collection of a demolished house site.
6/2005 – 8/2005 St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Historic St. Mary’s Archaeology Field School,
St. Mary’s City, MD
Introduced to archaeological field excavation methods included field notes and artifact
recovery and laboratory methods.
Leadership Experience
9/2011 – 5/2012 Anthropology Graduate Student Council, American University, Washington, DC
Plan and organize meetings to discuss topics revolving around the Graduate Student
community, plan budgets and schedule outings.
10/2010 American University, Public Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC
Conference Food Manager, Panel Organizer, Panel Discussant and Panel
9/2010 – 5/2011 Anthropology Graduate Student Council, American University, Washington, DC
Attended meetings about graduate student affairs, representing the Anthropology
graduate community and aided in event planning for the College of Arts and Sciences
graduate students.
10/2009 American University, Public Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC
Packet Coordinator, Panel Discussant, and Volunteer in Food Preparation
Professional Papers and Presentations
1/2012 Riccio, Jordan and Greene Lance
Architectural Signatures of Resistance Communities within the Great Dismal Swamp of North
Carolina, Society for Historic Archaeology Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD
11/2011 Riccio, Jordan
Great Dismal Swamp Archaeology Research, Archaeology Society of Maryland Monocacy
Chapter Meeting, Frederick, MD
10/2011 Riccio, Jordan
Great Dismal Swamp Archaeology Research, Archaeology Society of Maryland Mid-Potomac
Chapter Meeting, Rockville, MD
10/2011 Riccio, Jordan (2011)
The North Plateau Excavations of the Great Dismal Swamp, Public Anthropology Conference,
Panel: A Swamp, Some Researchers, and Publics: Updates from the Interdisciplinary Great
Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
10/2010 Riccio, Jordan (2010)
A Student’s Perspective on Emancipatory Archaeology, Public Anthropology
Conference, Panel: Exploring the Realized and Potential Emancipatory Gravity of
Public Archaeology and Buried Pasts, American University, Washington, DC
4/2010 Riccio, Jordan and Sayers, Daniel (2010)
Discursive Murmurs, Diaphanous Pasts, and the Archaeological: Indigenous Americans and the
Coming to Be of the Diasporic World of the Great Dismal Swamp after 1550, SAA Conference,
St. Louis, MO
3/2010 Riccio, Jordan (2010)
Great Dismal Swamp Research, Public Student Presentation (Brown Bag), American
University, Washington, DC
Riccio, Jordan (2012)
The People of the Lonely Place: An Archaeological Exploration of Community Structure in the Great Dismal Swamp, Masters Thesis, American University, Department of Anthropology, Washington DC
Sayers, Daniel, Lance Greene, Dan Lynch, Cyndi Goode, Ashlee Dunn, Scott Quigley and Jordan Riccio (2011)
Archaeological Findings of the 2010 Great Dismal Swamp Field School, Report prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service by The Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study (GDSLS)
Sayers, Daniel, Dan Lynch, Jessica Reitz and Jordan Riccio (2010)
Archaeological Findings of the 2009 Great Dismal Swamp Field School, Report prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service by The Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study (GDSLS)
Riccio, Jordan (2005)
The Path of a Hero: Ethics and Traditional Chinese Warriors in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Undergraduate Senior Thesis, On File, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD
Awards and Recognition
2010 – 2012 NEH-funded Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study Graduate Research Assistantship,
American University (2010-2012)
Computer Skills
Proficient with:
• Mac and Windows operating systems
• Microsoft Office Suite
• Microsoft Access
Introduction to:
• Re:Discovery
• ArcGIS
Professional Memberships
2013 - Present Register of Professional Archaeologists
2009 – Present The Society for Historic Archaeology
2009 – Present The Society for American Archaeology
2011 – Present The American Folklore Society
2012 - Present New Mexico Archaeology Council
2009 – 2012 MA: Public Anthropology with focus in Archaeology
American University, Washington, DC
Master’s Thesis Titled: The People of the Lonely Place: An Archaeological
Exploration of Community Structure within the Great Dismal Swamp
GPA: 3.91/4.0
2001 – 2005 BA: Student Designed Major: East Asian Studies with focus on Chinese History
Saint Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD
St. Mary’s Project (Senior Thesis) Titled: The Path of a Hero: Ethics and Traditional
Chinese Warriors in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Archaeological Employment History
2/2014 - Current R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc, Las Cruces, NM
Participated in Class III archeological surveys of several thousand acres at White Sands Missile Range, NM, and pipeline projects in NM and AZ, experienced in the identification and classification of Southwestern prehistoric and historic cultural materials, conducted non- collection surveys, becoming proficient in the use of handheld GPS units using data dictionaries specific to the local and regional project areas, and have experience working on significant cold war, historic and prehistoric sites throughout the Southwest.
6/2013 – 2/2014 R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc, Frederick, MD
Conducted Phase I and Phase II archaeological surveys, assisted in the production of
reports, including desktop reports, survey results, and site reports as well as contribute
to site research.
10/2012 – 6/2013 R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc, Alamogordo, NM
Conducted archaeological survey using Trimble GPS units, performed
100% site recordation, assisted in the production of LA forms, data entry and artifact
cataloguing, trained to recognize Unexploded Ordinance within the field and to drive off
road vehicles.
5/2012 – 6/2012 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Teaching and Research Assistant of Archaeology Field School
Assisted in the instruction of archaeological techniques, led group to remote sites, led a
successful site discovery effort, oversaw site number acquisition, overviewed paperwork,
managed artifact collection and recordation, drove a suburban and xterra to site and
worked with a vintage transit on site.
3/2012 – 5/2012 Antietam National Battlefield, National Park Service, Sharpsburg, MD
Historic Preservation Technician
Assisted in the preservation of historic sites. Work included the installation of lathe
work on a historically preserved house, painting and resorting fencing, metal brushing
and painting historic iron gates, prepping areas for archaeological survey and
interacting with volunteer groups.
8/2011 – 5/2012 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Archaeological Research Assistant (NEH Funded)
Artifact collections processing, technical writing including the preparation and editing
of project’s annual field report, representing project through public presentations, and
conducting archaeological research, including primary source documents, artifact and
architectural feature interpretation.
7/2011 – 12/2011 Monocacy National Battlefield, National Park Service, Frederick, MD
Archeological Technician
Conducted field excavation and laboratory processing. Cataloged artifacts to NPS
standards utilizing Re:Discovery. Worked with and trained volunteers and regularly
conducted tours for the public. Assisted with report preparation and utilized a digital
total station.
5/2011 – 7/2011 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Teaching and Research Assistant of Archaeology Field School
Assisted Professor in the instruction of archaeological methods to students, created and
implemented an archaeological research design, led the group of students through harsh
terrain to site location, managed field notes, oversaw artifacts collection and documentation,
worked with a total station, conducted a soil probe survey, assisted in a Ground Penetrating
Radar survey and drove a 15-person van.
8/2010 – 5/2011 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Archaeological Research Assistant (NEH Funded)
Artifact collections processing, technical writing including report preparation and
editing, team management (student work-study and volunteer), assisted in a week long
(3/2011) geophysical survey in the Great Dismal Swamp and created a research design
for the 2011 GDSLS field school.
7/2010 – 9/2010 Monocacy National Battlefield, National Park Service, Frederick, MD
Archeological Technician
Field methods (excavation, shovel test pits, mapping), laboratory methods (artifact
washing and cataloguing), worked with volunteers and interacted with the public on a
regular basis, giving tours of the excavation site and assisted in a Surface Penetrating
Radar survey.
5/2010 – 7/2010 Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
Teaching and Research Assistant of Archaeology Field School
Assisted Professor in the instruction of archaeological methods to students, led the group
of students through harsh terrain to site location, managed field notes, oversaw artifact
collection and documentation.
Archaeological Experience
10/2010 Monocacy National Battlefield, National Park Service, Frederick, MD
Volunteered with site excavation.
10/2009 – 12/2009 Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, VA (Fall 2009)
Volunteered with Archaeology Fieldwork and Laboratory work.
7/2009 Belair Mansion, Bowie, MD
Volunteered in the preparation and application of a mock Archaeology dig for
5/2009 – 7/2009 American University, The Great Dismal Swamp Archaeology Field School, Washington, DC
Camped for 6 weeks during field school. Introduced to remote site excavation
methods, total station operation, laboratory methods, and introduced to Geophysical
archaeology and performed geophysical surveys with a magnetometer, magnetic
susceptibility, and magnetic viscosity meters.
7/2008 – 8/2008 Belair Mansion, Bowie, MD
Volunteered in the preparation and application of a mock Archaeology dig for
children and assisted in the surface collection of a demolished house site.
6/2005 – 8/2005 St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Historic St. Mary’s Archaeology Field School,
St. Mary’s City, MD
Introduced to archaeological field excavation methods included field notes and artifact
recovery and laboratory methods.
Leadership Experience
9/2011 – 5/2012 Anthropology Graduate Student Council, American University, Washington, DC
Plan and organize meetings to discuss topics revolving around the Graduate Student
community, plan budgets and schedule outings.
10/2010 American University, Public Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC
Conference Food Manager, Panel Organizer, Panel Discussant and Panel
9/2010 – 5/2011 Anthropology Graduate Student Council, American University, Washington, DC
Attended meetings about graduate student affairs, representing the Anthropology
graduate community and aided in event planning for the College of Arts and Sciences
graduate students.
10/2009 American University, Public Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC
Packet Coordinator, Panel Discussant, and Volunteer in Food Preparation
Professional Papers and Presentations
1/2012 Riccio, Jordan and Greene Lance
Architectural Signatures of Resistance Communities within the Great Dismal Swamp of North
Carolina, Society for Historic Archaeology Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD
11/2011 Riccio, Jordan
Great Dismal Swamp Archaeology Research, Archaeology Society of Maryland Monocacy
Chapter Meeting, Frederick, MD
10/2011 Riccio, Jordan
Great Dismal Swamp Archaeology Research, Archaeology Society of Maryland Mid-Potomac
Chapter Meeting, Rockville, MD
10/2011 Riccio, Jordan (2011)
The North Plateau Excavations of the Great Dismal Swamp, Public Anthropology Conference,
Panel: A Swamp, Some Researchers, and Publics: Updates from the Interdisciplinary Great
Dismal Swamp Landscape Study, American University, Washington, DC
10/2010 Riccio, Jordan (2010)
A Student’s Perspective on Emancipatory Archaeology, Public Anthropology
Conference, Panel: Exploring the Realized and Potential Emancipatory Gravity of
Public Archaeology and Buried Pasts, American University, Washington, DC
4/2010 Riccio, Jordan and Sayers, Daniel (2010)
Discursive Murmurs, Diaphanous Pasts, and the Archaeological: Indigenous Americans and the
Coming to Be of the Diasporic World of the Great Dismal Swamp after 1550, SAA Conference,
St. Louis, MO
3/2010 Riccio, Jordan (2010)
Great Dismal Swamp Research, Public Student Presentation (Brown Bag), American
University, Washington, DC
Riccio, Jordan (2012)
The People of the Lonely Place: An Archaeological Exploration of Community Structure in the Great Dismal Swamp, Masters Thesis, American University, Department of Anthropology, Washington DC
Sayers, Daniel, Lance Greene, Dan Lynch, Cyndi Goode, Ashlee Dunn, Scott Quigley and Jordan Riccio (2011)
Archaeological Findings of the 2010 Great Dismal Swamp Field School, Report prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service by The Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study (GDSLS)
Sayers, Daniel, Dan Lynch, Jessica Reitz and Jordan Riccio (2010)
Archaeological Findings of the 2009 Great Dismal Swamp Field School, Report prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service by The Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study (GDSLS)
Riccio, Jordan (2005)
The Path of a Hero: Ethics and Traditional Chinese Warriors in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Undergraduate Senior Thesis, On File, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD
Awards and Recognition
2010 – 2012 NEH-funded Great Dismal Swamp Landscape Study Graduate Research Assistantship,
American University (2010-2012)
Computer Skills
Proficient with:
• Mac and Windows operating systems
• Microsoft Office Suite
• Microsoft Access
Introduction to:
• Re:Discovery
• ArcGIS
Professional Memberships
2013 - Present Register of Professional Archaeologists
2009 – Present The Society for Historic Archaeology
2009 – Present The Society for American Archaeology
2011 – Present The American Folklore Society
2012 - Present New Mexico Archaeology Council